


Our Services


Addiction/Recovery Path

Addiction is one of the most complex experiences that can happen to a human being. There are many reasons why addiction happens, and many feelings and issues to work through. Since addiction is a multifaceted problem (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual), it requires a multifaceted approach for recovery. If you are looking to truly explore a path toward healing and freedom, this path may be for you.


Inner Child Path

Many of us have experienced woundings at a young age. These wounds can affect the way we develop, and hinder our ability to have healthy relationships. The way forward in healing goes through our childhood, even if you think you had “the perfect childhood.” If you are curious about how to heal from the past, live in the present, and move forward, this path may be for you.


Trauma Informed Coaching Path

Being a certified Trauma Informed Coach allows me to walk wherever you may find yourself. If you are looking to move forward toward growth, and continue your emotional and recovery journey, this path may be for you.